All graphics on this page were inspired by Peter Max


Church of All Worlds (CAW) co-founder and Green Egg editor Otter G'Zell has devoted over 25 years to creating and promoting a progressive ecosophical religious philosophy, and originated the theology of deep ecology known as The Gaia Thesis. His classes include Crafting Images of the Goddess, and A Bouquet of Lovers: the Path of Polyamoury. CAW Priestess, practicing psychotherapist, and author of Wheels of Life and The Seven-Fold Journey of the Chakras, Anodea Judith's presentions include Dysfunctional Families & Group Energies, The Gaia Conspiracy, and from her book Anodea presents Wheels of Life: A Journey Through the Chakras.

All graphics on this page were inspired by Peter Max Isaac Bonewits, author of Real Magic, and founder of the Druidic organization A.D.F. (Ar nDraiocht Fein) offers three classes: Varieties of Initiatory Experience, Merlin and the Druids and Authentic Thaumaturgy, and will lead A.D.F. in the Thursday Midnight Ritual. Chameleon, Pagan lecturer and priest Ian Corrigan presents The Cauldron Way: Toward a Pagan High Magick, where he draws on Celtic and Germanic symbolism to outline a system of personal and Magical growth.

All graphics on this page were inspired by Peter Max
Together Chameleons Cliff Berns and Ian Corrigan present Tantra & Witchcraft in which the basics of Tantric belief will be compared to their parallels in Wicca. Cliff also presents a Tantric Shakti Puja. Furthering this topic, Donald Michael Kraig, author of Modern Magick, brings us the Other Side of Tantra and a discussion of Pagan/Mundane interfacing.

All graphics on this page were inspired by Peter Max Kenneth Deigh, creative director of N'Chi Esoteric Publishing and Meslim magazine, shares methods for entering and exploring the Inner World/Microcosm, with an emphasis on shamanic and neo-shamanic technique in his workshop, Opening Inner Doorways. Lecturer and practicing British Traditionalist Deborah Lipp discusses ancient mythic themes in Modern Mythology. Darren Fox, published occultist with the International Guild of Occult Sciences, delivers an Introduction to Sorcery.