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"Magnus" McBride, both an experienced teacher and student
of ritual theatre and a respected force in the Magickal Community, is one
of the world's foremost artists of performance magic. Presently headlining
at Ceasar's Palace's Magical Empire, Magnus has been Hollywood's Magic Castle
"Magician of the Year", and has been seen on numerous television
specials worldwide, including ABC's "Champions of Magic", NBC's
"World's Greatest Magic", the PBS documentary "The Art of
Magic," and The Discovey Channel's "Mysteries of Magic,"
where he served as consultant on shamanism and ritual magic. He is a founder
of The Mystery School of Magic (a yearly conference for the advanced study
of magical arts) and the World Magic Festival, and he appeared in the role
of Joran on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. Known around the world for his extensive
magical work with masks, myths, and magic, Jeff has been facilitating FireDances
at Festivals throughout the world for the past decade, and has released
the ACE tape Songs From the Center of the Sacred Circle with Abbi Spinner
(for bio, see under her name). For more information visit mcbridemagic.com
The Magic of the Fire Circle
Ancient mysteries and modern magic blend together to create the community
fire circle; which is, for us, the elixir of life. Throughout time people
have gathered in circles of drum & dance around the sacred fire to
commune with spirit & nature, to heal body & soul, gather knowledge,
and restore harmony between the worlds. In this workshop, Spinner and
Magnus will teach the techniques that go into creating a vessel in which
you can transform your personal lead into gold. The workshop will focus
on practical tools for transformation, and will provide an outline for
the magic that will happen in our community. Together, we will journey
into the mysteries of drumming, dancing, and singing, as we create safe,
sacred space to become our highest visions. Please bring drums, small
percussion instruments, clothes you can move in, and a willing spirit.
Please note that this workshop is open to all, regardless of level of
experience. Drink deeply of these sacred secrets and prepare to be trance-formed.
"Cheshire" McBride M.L.S. is a Sexuality Educator and Trainer
for Planned Parenthood of Greater Indiana. McBride has been teaching safer
sexuality, sexual variation and other sexuality topics for more than a
decade. Her experiences include work at the Kinsey Institute for Sex,
Gender and Reproduction, Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Lascivious
Exhibitions, and more than 60 academic credit hours and 100+ hours in
advanced sexuality training. Her presentations are known for their humor
and lively atmosphere!
Safer Sexuality (Adults Only)
Participants will learn tips and tricks to effectively utilize safer sex
supplies including condoms, gloves, dental dams, and lubricant to help
protect themselves from HIV or STD infection and increase sexual pleasure.
This interactive, hands-on workshop offers an anonymous and lively Q&A
session and free condoms for all participants.
Raising Sexually Healthy Young People (Adults Only)
This interactive discussion for parents will review tips for communication,
mixed messages, imparting goals and values, and using teachable moments.
Good for parents of children and teens of all ages. Some messages will
be more focused on teen issues.
McLaren's foundation in the study in the mysteries began with Qabalahist
and Jazz musician Dr. Fred Katz of Southern California in 1979. He began
teaching Tarot in Spokane, Washington at Yhantra Book store in 1980 and
has been teaching seminars for Circles, Gatherings and Conventions from
Southern California to New York ever since. He completed his course work
in Visual Arts through the "McLaren Studio Academy". Kirk has
combined jewelry design and the study of the Tarot to produce a Three
Dimensional Tarot System, the only oracle of its kind. This approach is
based on the images of the Major Arcana in small sculpture that may be
tossed like small stones, then read as they fall.
Making Magical Amulets
An Amulet is a piece of jewelry that holds a special meaning to the
one who wears it. Here is a chance to create an amulet with your intent
into every element. This workshop provides all that is needed to produce
a carving for a lost wax casting: wax tools, a small alcohol lamp and
carving wax. If you don't have an idea as to what to make, Kirk will be
happy to offer suggestions and assistance in creating your piece. Within
six to eight weeks of the workshop the participant will receive a piece
of jewelry that they made themselves.
The fee to have the amulet cast and mailed to the student is $35 for
silver and $25 for bronze. If the student wishes to make several castings
of a piece (e.g. for a coven or group), the price would depend on the
weight of the piece. A master mold of your piece can be made for an additional
$25 charge.
The Tarot: an Intensive Seminar
This is a two part workshop that is a little over two hours for each
part. The workshop includes hand out notes for each participant to keep
at the end of the class.
Part One covers the Minor Arcana and how it is based on the Qubalistic
"Tree of Life". Each card is discussed to help understand the
foundation on which the Major Arcana is built.
Part Two covers the Major Arcana: the basic concepts, interpretations
for reading, and how they relate to the development of a Magical way of
Life. Time permitting, an introduction to the Tarot Casters will be provided.
Introduction to the Tarot Casters
This is an introduction to the Tarot Casters; a system biased on the
images of the Major Arcana in small sculpture that may be tossed like
small stones, then read as they fall. This new approach to the Tarot frees
the reader from the old layouts and enables the intuitive muscles to work
in new ways. Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned professional, you
may find this a great Joy.
James Morgan is an aspiring MFA student in
one of the oldest digital media programs in Silicon Valley. He has practiced
various forms of spiritualism for nearly two decades and has published
work on Virtual Cultural / Political Activism and Hactivism. He is also
a regular staff member at Kid Village.
Postmodern Magick
A brief survey of postmodern philosophy and how it relates to contemporary
magic(k)al practices. Emphasis placed on the concepts of deconstruction,
simulation, nomadism and the temporary autonomous zone. Consideration
will be given to how classical forms have become postmodern and how contemporary
forms draw from postmodern thought. Traditions discussed include but are
not limited to: Wicca, Druism, Thelema and Chaos Magick. The class will
include a brain bending discussion of the intersection of contemporary
philosophy and magic(k)al traditions - where do they converge / diverge.
Jody Morningstar is a Chameleon and
an ACE organizer who is in recovery. She is a 3rd degree Wiccan Priestess.
a teacher, and a mother of two children. She has facilitated programs
and safe spaces at past ACE events, and lead classes and discussions on
issues related to emotional and spiritual health, drawing on her training
and her personal experiences.
Twelve Step / Sober Support
This is an opportunity for those of us who are in recovery to connect
with others, make new friends, and plan further meetings during the event.
We can establish times and places to take a break from the general festival
atmosphere and share safe space, conversation, and good company. We'll
gather at the Sanctuary's Campfire (Site L).
Nema has been practicing and writing about
Magick for twenty-five years, with articles in The Cincinnati Journal
of Ceremonial Magick, Aeon Magazine, Starfire, and other publications.
From her experiences with Thelemic Magick, she developed Maat Magick and
it's aim of transforming the human race, and is the author of Maat Magick:
a Guide to Self-Initiation. She is an Elder (former HPS) of the Circle
of the Sacred Grove, Church of Pantheist Wicca, an initiate of Adi Nath
Tantra, and a former member of the Typhonian OTO.
Wings of Rapture: the Way of Mystery
Nema presents her view and visions of the Mystic side of Magick, the direct
experiences of heart and spirit that manifest through Magickal practice.
The general topic is the subject of her new book, The Way of Mystery:
Magick, Mysticism, and Self-Transcendence, which is scheduled for release
in April 2003 by Llewellyn. The presentation will be followed by a discussion
Initiated Society
From paired Magickal Partners to covens, groves and international Magickal
Orders, working with others of similar interests and abilities is a necessary
balance to solitary practice. In this workshop, Nema considers ways to
modify primate behaviors for smooth and respectful group functioning.
The presentation and discussion will also include formal and actual Initiations,
claims and actions, and shared aims.
Paris Wynne is truly a multi-dimensional troubador. From Washington,
D.C., Wynne is a soulful guitarist and student of the Sarod (an esoteric
Indian instrument), and is developing his own unique style of world music
called Raga-Rock. A touring musician focused on ecstatic use of music,
he reflects the current sound that's on fire in the Berkeley/SF music
scene. He's been touring the "consciousness circuit": Yoga centers,
hot springs resorts, benefit concerts, and worldbeat festivals.
He has raised funds for Tibetan activism and written music for Radio
Free Tibet, and has been producing radio broadcasts to the New Republic
of Congo, in an effort to save an endangered primate, the Bonobo. As a
composer he has recently been working with Kirtan, a type of ecstatic
chanting that is sweeping the yoga/new consciousness scene, and experimenting
with the funky use of loops and live musicians with Indian and middle
eastern instruments, dance and poetry.
The Indian call and response chanting form. We will chant to the Goddess
in her many aspects as well as covering some contemporary chants.
L. Paxson is a consecrated Priestess of the Fellowship of the
Spiral Path and an Elder of the Covenant of the Goddess, and Steerswoman
of The Troth (an international Asatru organization whose journal, IDUNNA,
she now edits). Diana is the author of numerous mythic short stories and
novels featuring the Old Religion, most recently an Arthurian novel series
entitled The Hallowed Isle. She has been working with the Earth Goddess
and with trance states and related practices for twenty years, including
shamanic journeying, interactive journeying, self-induced hypnosis, soul-retrieval,
oracular trance, and god-possession.
Hail Holy Earth: Nerthus Procession and Ritual
Traditional cultures all over the world honor the Earth Goddess. All
are invited to join in this welcome and procession, based on the traditions
of Northern Europe, in which we bring Brushwood's own image of the goddess
Nerthus from her island in the pond, carry her triumphantly through the
campground to bless us with peace and fellowship, and install her on the
shore so that all can honor Her during the festival. Join the parade and
bring the Goddess to Starwood with drumming and song. Bring drums, flowers,
and colored scarves to wave. (Nerthus statue & cart carved by Bob
Stine.) Children are especially welcome.
Bidding the Goddess Goodbye: Farewell to Nerthus Ritual
As in the old days, when the Earth Goddess had blessed the fields,
her image was returned to her island shrine. Join us in thanking the Goddess
Nerthus for blessing us, and in bidding her goodbye as we prepare to say
farewell to the festival and return her to her island until next year.
World Walking
You know how to get into trance, but where do you go when you get
there? After a review of methods for releasing and relaxing, we'll explore
the inner worlds, focusing on the structure, geography, symbols and imagery
used in pathworking to give you the skills to direct your own journeying.
Heathen Sumble
The Sumble, in which a horn of mead is passed around the circle so
that participants can honor the god/desses, the heroes, and each other,
is the basic Asatru ritual. Come to learn more about the god/desses, share
fellowship with other heathens,and find out about organizations and resources
for heathen practice.
Three-Norns-Style Oracular Seidh
From Iceland to Israel, there are traditions of seers who sit by a
sacred spring or beneath a holy tree.In this rite, a variant on Oracular
Seidh (the northern equivalent of the Delphic Oracle), teams of three
seers link together to answer questions for the community. Advice on life
choices, relationships, etc. takes on new meaning in a traditional ritual
setting. Diana L. Paxson will lead this ritual, working with students
trained in her workshops. She is a pioneer in the recovery of oracle work
and has taught all over the US, and in Europe and Canada. She performs
seidh regularly at festivals, including Starwood.
Dana L. Piper has been doing massage professionally for 18 years.
He has extensive training in Applied Kinesiology, Sport Massage, Myofascial
Release, and Shiatsu. He has been Director of Sport Massage for AMTA-MI
for 3 yrs. and is currently on the National Team. He has been teaching
this workshop for nearly 10 yrs.(including PSG) and, thus far, has had
as many as 80 people in his class at one time. Lots of fun and laughs.
Partnered Therapeutic Massage
Learn effective therapeutic techniques WITH appropriate body mechanics
that would allow you to be effective and not hurt/strain yourself while
giving a full hour massage. Bring a partner to exchange with and a mat/blanket
to lie upon. Clothing optional. Oil provided. (NON-SEXUAL)
Piper is a bard in the purest sense of the word. He achieves in
his work a synthesis of ancient and modern; traditional and original;
Celtic and eclectic; which is truly magical. Prydwyn established a musical
family in 1997, and by doing so introduced Green Crown to the larger Pagan
and musical festivals across the U.S. A talented recording artist and
performer of Pagan music, he is skilled in a variety of traditional instruments
including voice, harp, cittern, guitar, mandolin and flutes, with formal
training on the medieval and Renaissance lutes. He's played and recorded
with Celtic folk-rockers Baby Mary, the ethno-eclectic duet The Bazuk
Brothers, and acoustic bands Kiva and Todd Alan & the Quest. Prydwyn
is an accomplished scholar of Classical and Celtic languages, with advance
degrees in these fields from the University of Edinburgh and most recently
a PhD from Harvard. A knowledgeable amateur astronomer, eco-warrior, and
renowned hermit of the North Woods, Prydwyn shares his enthusiasm for
life in honoring She-Who-Walks-In-the-Woods, who has been and shall continue
to be his guide, inspiration and teacher of life's lessons.
Come Fly the Friendly Skies: A Pagan Dummies Guide to the Skies
This class is a crash course in basic sky patterns, cycles, and the inherent
mysteries abounding therein. It will also include a quick beginners guide
to the stars to help recognize major constellations, planets, clusters,
and their relationships to each other.
The Celtic World and Its Languages
A general overview of the Celtic world. Cosmology and mythology will be
discussed, as well as the history and usage of major Celtic languages
of today. Participants can receive help and advice on the proper pronunciation
of Celtic words and phrases commonly used in personal and group rituals.
has been a praticing Buddhist seeker for 30 years... From the mid 70's
through the early 90's he was an artist and composer with work in libraries,
collections across the U.s. and the Library of Congress.
He is a Priest of Dionysus, initiated First Degree Ceremonial Magi, Ogan
of the ILE IFA in Toronto, a ULC Minister and keeper of the Starwood ashes.
He has been attending Starwood since 1989 and is considered to be a Drum
Elder Emeritus of Brushwood Folklore Center - as well as an all around
facilitator of goodthings here and at other gatherings.
Belly Dancer Alert
If you are a belly dancer (dance oriental) or just like the style,
or are a Middle Eastern style drummer (rics, tambourine, tars and frame
drums, dumbeks, darboukas, flutes zills and finger cymbals), come to the
Middle Eastern Drumming Fire at Workshop Site C on Wednesday and Thursday
They're hosted by Rafael, and run from 9 PM until 3 AM. Free Coffee.
Raven has been active in the Pagan community
for more than twenty years. She is a Priestess of Spirit Weavers Church
(a legally recognized Pagan church based in Toledo, Ohio), a practitioner
of High Magick, Priestess of Dionysus, Professional Spiritual Advisor,
Teacher, Tarot Reader and Priestess of Circle Weavers Coven in Southern
California. Her spiritual teaching experiences (classes, workshops and
seminars) include Wicca, High Magick, Tarot, Divination, Dream Interpretation,
Rituals, Candle Magick and more. She is currently an Instructor at the
Psychic Eye and has been a formal instructor for the Chela Institute in
Dana Point, California.
She will be presenting workshops with Ronn Walks with
Fire and Ritual with CAW.
Rondina has been a member of the Pagan community for over 20 years,
spending much of that time studying the traditions & spiritual beliefs
underlying western mystical folklore. Christopher has published two books
on New England historical folk-legends, Vampire Legends of Rhode Island
and The Vampire Hunter's Guide to New England, and is currently
working on a book about werewolf traditions.
Running with the Moon - Part I: The Shamanic Werewolf
Have you ever longed to reclaim your lost wildness and run free under
the light of the moon? For centuries the legend of the "lycanthrope"
(wolf-man) has been relegated to myths of hairy monsters roaming the forests
or low-budget horror films. The truth behind the werewolf myth runs much
deeper, however. Like his cousin the legendary witch, the werewolf or
"shape-shifter" has its roots in the sacred mystical practices
of our earliest ancestors. Join folklorist, storyteller and spiritual
shape-shifter Christopher Rondina for an exploration of the role of mystical
animal-warriors in Pagan history.
Running with the Moon - Part II: The Art of Spiritual Lycanthropy
Come howl with us! Cast aside your fears of wildness & travel
into the deep primeval landscape of your own consciousness to encounter
the beast within! In this session we will challenge modern views of feral
or animalistic behavior, explore methods of practical shape-shifting and
examine traditional shifting catalysts including moonlight, trances, ointments
and talismans. Spiritual Lycanthropy invites us to reclaim our sacred
connection to the earth by stepping out of our human skins and embracing
the wild within! Attendance at Running with the Moon Part I suggested
but not required. Loose or comfortable clothes highly recommended.
Ronn Walks With Fire
- "Pele Ahi" in Hawaiian - has been a student and practitioner
of Hawaiian and Micronesian Spirituality for a generation. He lived on
the islands of Palau in Micronesia in 1976 and 1977 where he studied native
rituals. Prior to that he lived in Nigeria and studied Hausa spirituality.
He is a Priest in the Church of All Worlds
and Priest of Spirit Weavers Church (a legally recognized Pagan church
based in Toledo, Ohio). He has taught a number of workshops and seminars,
translated rituals from other parts of the world, created new rituals
by melding Micronesian spirituality into Neo-Pagan holiday celebrations
and has performed as Priest in many large rituals across the nation. Ronn
also hosts Spirit Weavers Beltane Festival, the First Descent (a personal
spiritual initiation held each September), and several other overnight
Fests at FireHeart in Toledo. Ronn will be working with the Church of
all Worlds in presenting the Ritual
of the Pomegranite on Friday Midnight.
Gods, Goddesses, Mortals, Sex & Drugs - Part 1
This workshop (Part 1) discusses various methods of aspecting Deity for
enhancing sex magic, for allowing Deity to use one's body for sexual interactions
with mortals or mortals aspecting another Deity. The personal emotional,
spiritual and physical ramifications of aspecting Deity in sexual situations
are explored. Other topics covered include ethics, benefits, detriments,
repetition and long-term effects. Presented by Raven and Ronn Walks With
Gods, Goddesses, Mortals, Sex & Drugs - Part 2
This workshop (Part 2) discusses various methods of aspecting Deity while
partaking of Entheogens. Details of the possible effects of aspecting
Deity while enhanced will be shared. The personal emotional, spiritual
and physical ramifications of aspecting Deity while augmented are explored.
Other topics covered include ethics, benefits, detriments, repetition
and long-term effects. Presented by Raven and Ronn Walks With Fire.
Rosemead has been practicing the craft since the early 70's and
has given Workshops and done Rituals at Four Quarters Farm, The Broken
Gourd Circle, Spirit Quest, Celebrate the Circle and Church of the Earth
over the last seven years in NC, WV, PA and GA. She is a High Priestess
and an Elder and has earned a Bachelor of Science in Horticulture and
Masters in Education from the University of Georgia. She is Director of
QuestSpecial Events and a member of the Board of Carolina Spirit Quest,
Inc, has served on the CTC Steering Committee, contributes frequently
to the CTC Newsletter and is the Workshop Coordinator for Pagan Pride
Day in the triangle. Gryph currently teaches High School Agriculture in
a small rural town and lives in a barn with her dogs, Othello and Iago
and her cat, Grandmother. You may visit her website at angelfire.com/nc/gryphon
Elemental Workshop
We will be connecting with the Elements: Air, Fire, Water , Earth
and Spirit and discovering how they have touched and formed us as well
as how their special properties can help us in our life journey. Beliefs
from several different Traditions will be discussed, followed by a guided
meditation to meet a being of the Elements. Meditation bags will be made
and empowered by the individuals concentrating on one or more Elemental
aspects such as balance, joy, inspiration, love, sexuality, purification,
forgiveness, purpose, prosperity. Participants are urged to come on time
and bring their own knowledge and experiences about the Elements and particular
tools and other items they associate with the Directions.
Mother Gaia and the Golden Web
We all feel isolated and powerless at times. Cut off from family and
friends that do not understand us, we are very much alone. At the same
time we may feel as if we do not have the ability to change our life;
as if we do not matter in the general scheme of things. There is a deep
well of power we can tap into, and always we are a valuable part of the
sacred web. Touch your power and feel your interconnectedness with the
help of Mother Gaia and the Golden Web.
Rothenberg, R.N. is a Registered Nurse, an Ohio licensed professional
counselor, and a bio-feedback technician. He holds degrees in Psychology
and Political Science from Case Western Reserve University. A Co-Director
and founder of ACE (and the Chameleon Club), Joseph has studied and presented
workshops for over 17 years. (The panel discussion The Self in Transformation,
featuring Joseph Rothenberg, is available from ACE.)
Interface: Hands-On Experience With Electronic Meditation Devices
A variety of light/sound and electrical stimulation devices will be available
to examine and use. A brief explanation of this technology will be offered,
followed by a discussion on artificially induced altered states of consciousness
as a tool for art and communication.
Starwood Faerie Community Meeting
An open house for the gay community at Starwood; this is as much a social
event as a goal-oriented one, with an opportunity for new people to meet
one another and old friends to get together. The topic for discussion
will be networking, and generating new programming of interest to the
Starwood Faerie Community. If we can come out of this discussion with
a method for communicating interests in speakers, workshops, and programs
we will have met our goal.
The Annual Fabulous High Faerie Tea Party & Potluck
A Fabulous romp through wonderland in the Faerie woods. Join us for a
spot of tea and strumpets... err, crumpets. Hosted by Darth Faerie and
the Lake Circle Coven. Put on your best Faerie garb, (costumes are encouraged)
polish your ruby slippers, grab a bag of chips and hightail it over to
the Faerie community fire. Chat, meet, divine the future, or just be divine.
All are welcome.
Rover (aka Zoom) is an herbalist, witch and woodbuster who has
been saved by the dance! As one who has first hand been brought back from
the underworld by drums and movement, she is committed to sharing the
joy and healing potential of the traditional songs, dances and rhythms
that have been passed on to her. Wendy has been involved in the Drum and
Dance Community in Rochester, NY for the last 7 years and has danced and
performed with Bush Mango Drum and Dance, studying with Colleen Hendrick,
Michael Markus, Mbaye Diagne and Anisha Hassan
West African Drum and Dance
Join Us and explore the songs, rhythms and traditional dances of Guinea,
West Africa. Drums, movement and song are a means of communing with The
Ancestors and with the Hidden in Ourselves. Evan
Stuckless will teach the drum parts during the first half of this
double workshop. Wendy will teach the songs and dances in the second half.
We will be working on Jahleh-don, KuKu and more. All levels
of dance experience welcome, or just come to watch and sing. Wear comfortable
clothing and bring water to drink. Get ready for your Solo!
Roy is Director of Earthwood
Building School, specializing in cordwood masonry instruction since
1980. He is the author of ten books, including Complete Book of Cordwood
Masonry Housebuilding: The Earthwood Method and Stone Circles: A Modern
Builder s Guide to the Megalithic Revival. Rob and his wife Jaki have
built four innovative cordwood homes since 1975, including Earthwood:
a 2400 SF two-story round load-bearing cordwood home, earth-sheltered
and earth-roofed, where they have lived for 20 years. They first visited
Stonehenge in the 60s, built their first circle in 1977, and completed
a major stone circle at Earthwood in 1987. The couple helped build the
Stone Mountain Circle at the Center for Symbolic Studies near New Paltz
in 1997, and raised two large stones at the 18-acre Columcille Megalithic
Park near Bangor, PA; the first of the large megaliths at that site to
be raised by hand. The Roys conducted a 4-day megalithic workshop in August
of 2000, and another 5-day event at Earthwood in July of 2002, during
which the major scheduled project was the erection of a 20-ton stone by
hand, and Rob helped install the first two stones at the Dragonstones
Circle in Surrey, U.K. They have taught cordwood masonry across North
America, Chile, and New Zealand, and have helped dozens of owner-builders
with their cordwood projects, including homes, saunas and outbuildings.
Cordwood Masonry Workshop
Cordwood Masonry is an easy, esthetic, low-cost, energy-efficient,
and environmentally sound method of building walls for homes, saunas,
or other buildings. During this workshop, students will learn basic cordwood
theory, including estimating materials, what kinds of wood are best, and
how long to dry them. Rob and Jaki will demonstrate the wall-building
technique by laying up a dozen or so log-ends in a sample panel. Students
will learn how to lay up the wood, insulate the walls, and point the mortar
surface for strength and beauty.
Stone Circles: A Megalithic Workshop
The building of stone circles has been enjoying a revival during the past
20 years. More and more people are creating stone circles as meeting places
and for ceremony, particularly in connection with earth-based spiritual
tradition. In an illustrated lecture, instructor Rob Roy will discuss
both ancient and modern circles, including siting, measure, geometry,
astronomical alignments, and Earth energies. Slides, a short video, and
models help illustrate this workshop, which focuses on how to raise large
stones using only equipment which would have been available to the great
stone circle builders five thousand years ago.
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