
Raven Kaldera

Raven Kaldera is a northern-tradition shaman, writer, herbalist and king of a small Pagan kingdom. He is dedicated to Hela, and to developing deeper levels of thought and practice in and for the Pagan community. He is the author and editor of many books, including MythAstrology: Exploring Planets & Pantheon, Pagan Polyamory: Becoming a Tribe of Hearts, Handfasting and Wedding Rituals: Welcoming Hera's Blessing, and The Urban Primitive: Paganism in the Concrete Jungle. He is presently publishing a series on northern shamanism and sorcery, that includes The Jotunbook; The Pathwalker’s Guide to the Nine Worlds, Wightridden, and Wyrdwalkers, available at http://www.lulu.com/josh17.



Northern-Tradition Shamanism (2 parts)

This workshop introduces a shamanic tradition that is being slowly reconstructed by modern practitioners, based on the spiritual paths and tools of Germanic, Norse, Anglo-Saxon, and Saami ancient tribal peoples. We'll discuss tools and techniques, Gods and spirits, giants and elves and dwarves, luck and Wyrd, journeying around the Nine Worlds, roles and taboos, and the difference between a shaman and a shamanic practitioner. Come learn the shamanic traditions of my ancestors...and perhaps your own.






The Tribe of Hearts: Pagan Polyamory

Polyamory, or ethical, negotiated non-monogamy, is a lifestyle that is growing by leaps and bounds in the Pagan community. This workshop discusses how we Pagans do it differently from other groups, and how polyamory can be used as a spiritual discipline of love and relationship. It's also a good basic primer for people who just want to know what polyamory is all about, what it is that we do and don't do.






Northern-Tradition Shamanic Herbalism

The ancient peoples of northern Europe had a working knowledge of herbs that included not only their medicinal uses, but also partnership with the plant spirits. The early-medieval healer of northern Europe was known as the Leike, and their course of study included this style of hands-on, soul-on herbalism, as well as spells and charms for working with the plant spirits and their patron deities. We'll explore this form of medicinal and magical herbalism the way our ancestors did.






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