
Isaac Bonewits

Isaac Bonewits is one of North America's leading experts on Druidism, Witchcraft and the rapidly growing Earth Religions movement. A practicing NeoPagan priest, scholar, teacher, bard and polytheologian for over thirty years, he has coined much of the vocabulary and articulated many of the issues that have shaped the NeoPagan community in the United States and Canada. He holds the only accredited degree ever given in Magic (U.C. Berkeley), and is a founder and Archdruid Emeritus of Ar nDraiocht Fein: A Druid Fellowship (ADF). He is the author of the classic Real Magic, Authentic Thaumaturgy, Witchcraft: A Concise Guide, and of the recently released book Rites of Worship: A Neopagan Approach. Currently, he is the Senior Executive Editor of Earth Religions Press.



Danu, Bridget, and the Morrigan - Goddesses and Women in Druidism

Common misconceptions of ancient and modern Druidism focus on its supposed “patriarchal” character. Neopagan Druids, however, know that goddesses and women were far more prominent in Paleopagan Druidism than is usually known, and incorporate that knowledge with many modern feminist principles in their organizational structures and ritual practices. Isaac will discuss the role of women in the Indo-European cultures, especially in their clergy castes; local Earth, Sun, Bardic, and Warrior Goddesses in the Celtic world; the Gaia-centric evolution of Neopagan Druidism, and the leadership of women in major Neopagan Druid groups.






A Ritual for Empowerment

This is a series of guided meditations, invocations, and evocations designed to put each participant in touch with her or his own “Source of Inner Strength.” Each person gets to both give and receive wisdom, forgiveness, healing, and power, and to make a commitment to use this newfound strength to effect real change. An effort has been made to make this ritual accessible for those with disabilities.






Real Energy

Presented with Phaedra Bonewits.

Vril, odic force, mana, chi, prana -- these are all terms that magicians and mystics have been using for many years to describe the “energies” with which they work. But what do all these terms really mean? Are they all talking about the same thing and, if so, does it have anything to do with what mainstream physicists would call “energy?” Do the Laws of Magic have anything to do with the quantum field or entangled minds? Based on their new book, Real Energy, Isaac and Phaedra will discuss these topics and more.






Real Magic 4.0

Isaac is preparing for a massive reworking and reissue of his classic text on magical theory, “Real Magic”. Come join in a discussion on how our understanding of magic has developed in the decades since the first edition. What would you like to see in the next standard text on magic?










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