Fiahlna Hearth

Fiahlna Hearth has been practicing a path of hearth-magick for 16 years. She has been a member of O.L.O.W. Norse Wiccan Community Church since 1998. She obtained her Third Degree H.P.S. through O.L.O.W. in October of 2000. Currently, she is the Church Counselor for O.L.O.W., and is attending Marshall University seeking a degree in Sociology/Anthropology, with minors in Religious Studies, Art History, and Psychology. She was a volunteer, event staff person, presenter, event photographer, and Secretary for the Pagan Community Counsel of Ohio for various lengths of time during 1999 to 2004. She has presented workshops and performed public rituals for the O.L.O.W. and Pagan Community Council of Ohio. She volunteers her h.p.s. services to the pagan community for spiritual 'house-cleanings', rites of passage, handfastings (non-legally binding), and spiritual counsel.

Christian Witchcraft

This workshop has a Universalist approach on reconciling and integrating Christian, Pagan, and Wiccan beliefs. It includes an exploration of spells, curses, magick and ritualistic behavior in the Bible, and touches on the use of Christian Saints for spells. This will not be a debate of Christian versus Pagan beliefs or a place to judge. Participants must be open minded, tolerant, and willing to put aside religious politics.

Guided Meditation: Past Life Regression

This workshop involves a personally written guided meditation that has been honed over several years to provide the best and easiest peek at a past life. Participants will be carefully guided through a sensory experience as Fiahlna helps them gain deeper and deeper meditation, until ultimately they can access the throne room of Persephone - who may or may not grant access according to their readiness and willingness. There will be a protection circle cast around participants and a careful and mindful transition back to this life and this consciousness. After the guided meditation is complete, a grounding ritual of consecrated cakes and juice will be served and each person can choose if they wish to share their experience. Each person attending will be individually spoken to before leaving to be sure that they are comfortable and ready to leave the workshop.

















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