Miguel Sobaoko Koromo Sague

Miguel Sobaoko Koromo Sague began learning the intricacies of Mayan sacred mathematics and the Mayan Calendar from his father (a mathematician and university professor of ancient Maya culture and civilization) at the age of 16. By the end of his high-school career he was intensely studying the culture and traditions of both the ancient and contemporary Mayas. In the mid 1980's he began receiving training in the tradition of the Mayan holy men and women from a number of teachers from Yucatan and Guatemala, and taught himself the philosophical theories of the Dreamspell and the Telektenon of Jose Arguelles. He was part of the U.S. opposition to the U.S.-inspired massacres of thousands of Mayan villagers by the Guatemalan dictators. In the 1990s he received a traditional practitioner's head band and official permission to act as "calendar priest" and read the Mayan seed oracle from a principal Quiche Maya priest. Miguel reads and interprets the ancient Venus Cycle oracles using the traditional Mayan Codex (Dresden) and the ancient legends of the Popol Vuh. Currently residing in Pittsburgh, PA, Elder Sague is the Medicine Man at the Council of Three Rivers American Indian Center. For more info:

Maya 2012 Prophecy

In co-operation with traditional Guatemalan K'iche Maya 2012 Prophecy teacher Antonio Aj Ik, Miguel offers the participants to this presentation an authentic, truly indigenous insight into the mysteries of the Maya Calendar and the 2012 prophecy in a way that no book or non-indigenous presenter could ever do. Antonio and Miguel have worked in close co-operation with the most important teachers of the Maya traditions such as Guatemalan Maya elder Don Alejandro OxLaj, Grandmother Flordemayo, and the acclaimed author of Maya Cosmogenesis 2012 John Major Jenkins.

Taino Shamanism

This workshop will be an introduction to the tradition of the ancient indigenous people of the Caribbean who were the first Native Americans to welcome Columbus when he arrived in our continent. Miguel's presentation offers not only the ancient ways but how contemporary Tainos now express this aspect of their culture in harmony with the command from their ancestors to share them with the world.

















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