Alex Wedmedyk

Alex Wedmedyk is a facilitator of self-healing and spiritual growth workshops, using the power of rhythm. He is a Master Drum-maker, Drummer, Workshop Facilitator, and Craftsman. He connects with compassion and deep understanding to the struggles and challenges of everyday life with a proactive, simple solution-oriented methodology. In his workshop he integrates the methods of shamanism, with ecstatic trance rhythms as well as rhythms for fun-fulfillment. In this process which he calls "Rhythmical Attunement", Alex uses sound therapy (Cymatics) to help people shed patterns of ill health, dissatisfaction and dysfunction and create a new healthy, more complete self. "Our inner strengths and outer powers are directly related to how well we move through our lives in rhythm". Alex started his career as a professional craftsman in the early 70s working in leather and brass, and then in sterling silver jewelry. In the early 90s, he began making drums and chose drumming as his main form of creative expression. After a spiritual awakening, he shifted his focus from business to the hidden secrets of rhythm. Alex has studied with many teachers and master drummers, over the past 15 years. He has performed and done workshops at many gatherings, schools, and public venues, and he has been a ritual drummer and various Earth Spirit Ceremonies.

Drum Building and Repair Apprenticeship Program

This is an ongoing workshop to learn the ins and outs of crafting or repairing a djembe, the large goblet-shaped drum of West Africa. If you wish to make your own drum during this week, you can do so. You can pick your own natural wood drum shell and hide from those we provide, complete the assembly and receive a lesson in making "diamonds" to keep the drum tight and tuned. This class takes several hours over two days. If you just need your drum repaired, you can drop it off and get it fixed. Fees vary; contact Alex for more detailed information at:

Instant Drumming

Play drums with little or no instruction. With the power of sound participants will repeat patterns of sounds with minimal instruction. This is a shortcut to drumming, bypassing the cognitive process of learning and remembering. It's just about doing without thought getting in the way.

West African Drum Rhythms

Learn the many parts of a West African rhythm, collected from across such countries as Ghana, West Guinea, Senegal and Nigeria. Polyrhythms, complex beats and counter-beats, bring out the true power of the drums.

















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