Ruthann Amarteifio

Ruthann Amarteifio has been following the Earth Path even before her first initiation 24 years ago. She co-founded the Akasha Temple in Chicago many years ago, and has been present throughout its many changes. She has traveled and held workshops and rituals across the country. She is an activist and humanitarian, a vegan and an environmentalist. She hosts, along with Casey J. Carraher, "Akasha Temple Live", on Akasha Temple Radio, two times a week. Also, along with Brian Stetten, she hosts "Progress Toward Democracy" on Akasha Temple Radio and Forward Blitz Radio, airing three times a week.

Be the Change

"Be the change you want to see."

We all know what's wrong. The question is, 'What will I do about it?' Do you write letters to companies and your elected officials? Do you show up at the local demonstrations, maybe go to national ones? When your friends mention your name, are there a couple of causes that always come up in their conversations about you? Are you known for your devotion to a cause? Do you have a cause and want to know how better to become involved in it? In this workshop, we'll talk of how each of us can better manifest our collective future, with practical tips and an exchange of ideas.

Beyond Recycling

We all know we should recycle, and most of us do. We know we should walk more instead of driving, and some of us do. These are easy; we often want to do more, and are unsure of how to proceed. When remodeling your home, are you aware of where the lumber comes from and how it's been pretreated? How was it delivered? Do you know where your food comes from? Who are the people who bring it to you? Are they paid a fair wage? Did it come from a plantation where workers are kept in slave-like conditions? How about your skin and hair products? How have they been developed? Come exchange ideas and get to a deeper level of lowering our own carbon footprint.

Living On a Plant-Based Diet

Vegetarian, vegan, raw foodie, or just plain curious? What do people eat when they give up animals and animal products? How do they cook, or do they? Why would a person make this choice; for health, for compassion, for the environment? Come and share your thoughts and knowledge. From the reasons behind the choice, to the ways of cooking, (with some recipes and tasting thrown in), we'll explore this way of living that more and more people are turning to. Facilitated by Ruthann Amarteifio; a vegetarian for many years before becoming vegan. Now she wonders what took her so long!

















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