Ed Hubbard

Ed Hubbard is a dedicated Pagan Media Activist and Educator. He has 20 years of experience that began with a few Xeroxed pages of a Pagan freezine and continues today with an active social network reaching out to over 300,000 people in 200 countries. Ed is the CEO of Witch School International and the host of Pagans Tonight Radio Show, and has developed numerous other programs and projects for the community including Magick TV and The Young Witches Project.

Framing the Conversation in a Socially Connected World

In today's world, people are asking more question than ever and yet we are still talking past each other. In Framing the Conversation, we will look at how to have productive conversations with the Press, Media, community, and groups. The ability to frame the conversation is one of the most powerful tools in a deeply connected social world to be actually heard and gain information through listening. In this workshop, you will learn to focus the conversation in a number of styles, including interviews, open speeches, group discussions and on the Social Web. With the tools discussed, you can lead conversations that are interesting, intriguing, and productive, regardless of its purpose or audience.

Seeking 1 Million Pagan Friends

Join us as we look at the Social World of the Internet and its impact on the Pagan Community. As the Social Web, which includes Facebook, Twitter, and Google+, has swept the globe over the last decade, change has come to the community on all levels, from local to international. This has helped create a vibrant community, with more knowledge, connections, and communication than at any point in history. Yet hold on tight, the changes are just beginning and opportunity abounds in finding friends, connections, and resources. Ed will provide you with an understanding of how to use the social web to build your own networks and create connections, and offer you different ways to find friends, develop audiences, finance projects, and build your business. Don't miss out on this fascinating look into the realm of social media and how it can not only change the way people look at you, but can also change the world.

















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