JULY 7 - 13, 2015

Starwood Festival XXXV is located at the Wisteria Campground, 39617 State Route 684, Pomeroy, OH 45769.

Welcome Home to the Starwood Festival

Entertainer/Speaker Applications

If you'd like to be part of Starwood XXXV, either as a speaker or an entertainer, links are below. Our entertainer application form gliched and data was lost. We're sorry for the inconvience but if you have not heard from us please resubmit your information. The deadline has been extended to February 28, 2015.

The Starwood Festival

The Starwood Festival is a seven-day camping event that opens doors to alternative beliefs, styles, and spirituality. Joyous, rowdy, and life-changing, Starwood occurs the 2nd week of July (2015 dates: Tuesday, July 7-Monday, July 13) and is held in the beauty of Southeastern Ohio.

The Midwest's oldest event of its kind, Starwood is distinguished by its warm and welcoming community spirit. It also offers:

A week-long line-up of classes, workshops, and ceremonies offered by prominent teachers in their diverse fields

A melting pot of live performances by world-renowned & community artists

Drumming, music jams, and free-range creativity galore

The "infamous" Sat. night Bonfire

Family-friendly camping in a beautiful, secured private site

Onsite amenities including food vendors, swimming, hot showers, co-op child care, camp-wide transport system, & more

Find what you've been missing all this time. Come home to Starwood

Wisteria Starwood XXXV continues the famous Starwood tradition at our home, Wisteria Campground, 39617 State Route 684, Pomeroy, OH 45769.


Thanks all who attended and worked so tirelessly to make Starwood XXXIV such a success! You know who you are!

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